Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wedding Inspirations

Weddings have always intrigued me. Now whether my interest comes from fairy tales that have always filled my mind or the way bridal gowns perfectly flow in every picture I come across or even from my bridal Barbie and Ken days...I can't quite put my finger on it. But, whatever it is, it's magical. I have everything from paper stacks of my "dream" dresses tucked away so that no one can discover them to ripped out pages of exquisite flower arrangements in notebooks arranged by color - so I guess you could say I love weddings. 

Since becoming engaged wedding planning has become a daily thing for me - and all my late night pinnings from Pinterest are looking like they may actually be worth it in the end after all, thank goodness. The one thing I have enjoyed most is pulling out all of the inspirations I have collected over the years and figuring out how to combine them all to create the perfect fit for me and my groom! Here are just some of my favorites that I have come across over the last several weeks . . . enjoy!

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